Versiune - Portal semantic Pagini Favorite


De la Portal semantic Pagini Favorite

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This wiki is powered by MediaWiki, copyright (C) 2001-2008 Magnus Manske, Brion Vibber, Lee Daniel Crocker, Tim Starling, Erik Möller, Gabriel Wicke, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason, Niklas Laxström, Domas Mituzas, Rob Church, Yuri Astrakhan, Aryeh Gregor, Aaron Schulz and others.

MediaWiki is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

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Software instalat

Produs Versiune
MediaWiki 1.14.1
PHP 5.1.6 (apache2handler)
MySQL 5.0.45

Extensii instalate

Pagini speciale
AddRelationship A special page for adding friends/foe requests for existing users in the wiki David Pean
Banner Wiki Promote (Versiune 0.1) Banner custom promotion wiki contributions Pagini Favorite Srl
CategoryTree (Versiune r44056) Navighează dinamic în stuctura categoriilor Daniel Kinzler
CheckUser (Versiune r44056) Autorizează utilizatorii cu drepturile specifice să poată verifica adresele IP şi alte informaţii Aaron Schulz şi Tim Starling
ContactPage Formular de contact pentru vizitatori Daniel Kinzler
Contributors (Versiune 1.0.1beta) Sumar contribuitoti principali la o pagina Rob Church
Flagged Revisions (Versiune rev 49180 04.09) Gives editors and reviewers the ability to validate revisions and stabilize pages Aaron Schulz şi Joerg Baach
GiftManager (Versiune 1.0) Adds a special page to administrate available gifts and add new ones Wikia New York Team
GiftManagerLogo (Versiune 1.0) Adds a special page to upload new gift images Wikia New York Team
GiveGift (Versiune 1.0) Adds a special page to give out gifts to your friends/foes Wikia New York Team
IncludesCommons (Versiune 1.0) Enable Includes Commons across wiki portal Pagini Favorite Srl
MyImages (Versiune 1.0.0) MyImages Pagini Favorite Srl
Penalization Pagini Favorite SRL
PopulateExistingUsersProfiles A special page for initializing social profiles for existing wikis David Pean
RemoveAvatar A special page for removing users' avatars David Pean
RemoveGift (Versiune 1.0) Adds a special page to remove gifts Wikia New York Team
RemoveMasterGift (Versiune 1.0) Adds a special page to delete gifts from the database Wikia New York Team
RemoveRelationship A special page for removing existing friends/foes for the current logged in user David Pean
Semantic Forms (Versiune 2.0.1) Forms for adding and editing semantic data Yaron Koren and others
SendBoardBlast A special page to allow users to send a mass board message by selecting from a list of their friends and foes David Pean
SlideShow (Versiune 1.0) Enable SlideShow Pagini Favorite Srl
SmartOpenX (Versiune 1.0) Enable SmartOpenX Pagini Favorite Srl
SpecialEuroAdsense (Versiune 2.0) Enable Dynamic Google Adsense Pagini Favorite Srl
SpecialInterwiki (Versiune r37451) Adds a special page to view and edit the interwiki table SPQRobin, Stephanie Amanda Stevens şi others
ToggleUserPage A special page for updating a user's userpage preference David Pean
TopUsers Adds a special page for viewing the list of users with the most points. David Pean
UpdateProfile A special page to allow users to update their social profile David Pean
UploadAvatar A special page for uploading Avatars David Pean
UserBoard Display User Board messages for a user David Pean
ViewGift (Versiune 1.0) Adds a special page to view given gifts Wikia New York Team
ViewGifts (Versiune 1.0) Adds a special page to view given gifts Wikia New York Team
ViewInvites A special page for viewing all invites Pagini Favorite Srl
ViewRelationshipRequests A special page for viewing open relationship requests for the current logged in user David Pean
ViewRelationships A special page for viewing all relationships by type David Pean
Wikilog (Versiune 0.7.1) Adds blogging features, creating a wiki-blog hybrid. Juliano F. Ravasi
Hook-uri parser
CategorySuggest (version 1.1) Adds a Google Suggest-like category input box/typeahead functionality to the edit page. Andreas Rindler <mediawiki at jenandi dot com
CategoryTree (Versiune r44056) Navighează dinamic în stuctura categoriilor Daniel Kinzler
Cite (Versiune r37577) Adaugă etichete <ref[ name=id]> şi <references/>, pentru citări Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
ExtraToolbarButtons (Versiune 0.124.1b) ExtraToolbarButtons Pagini Favorite S.R.L.
Graphviz (Versiune 0.4) Graphviz ( is a program/language that allows the creation of numerous types of graphs. This extension allows the embedding of graphviz markup in MediaWiki pages and generates inline images to display. CoffMan <>, MasterOfDesaster <mailto://>
Header Tabs (Versiune 0.8) Adds tabs to the page separating top-level sections. Yaron Koren şi Sergey Chernyshev
MetaKeywordsTag (Versiune 0.1) Tag to inject meta keywords into page header. Jim Wilson - wilson.jim.r<at>
ParserFunctions (Versiune 1.1.1) Enhance parser with logical functions Tim Starling
Semantic MediaWiki (Versiune 1.4.3) Making your wiki more accessible - for machines and humans (online documentation) Klaus Lassleben, Markus Krötzsch, Denny Vrandecic, S Page, and others. Maintained by AIFB Karlsruhe.
SimpleFeed Uses SimplePie to output RSS/atom feeds Jonny Lamb
TreeAndMenu (Versiune 1.0.9, 2009-02-15) Adds #tree and #menu parser functions which contain bullet-lists to be rendered as collapsible treeview's or dropdown menus.

The treeview's use the dTree JavaScript tree menu,

and the dropdown menu's use Son of Suckerfish
Nad, Sven
Variables (Versiune 1.2.2) Define page-scoped variables Rob Adams, Tom Hempel and Daniel Werner
Widgets (Versiune 0.8.6) Allows wiki administrators to add free-form widgets to wiki by just editing pages within Widget namespace. Originally developed for Sergey Chernyshev (for Semantic Communities LLC.)
UserInfo (Versiune 1.0) Displays some info (IP, OS, browser) about the user. Nicolas Labriet
AddCheckboxInLoginForm (Versiune 0.1) Adds a checkbox in the user login form to ask user if he wants a free subdomain Pagini Favorite S.R.L.
AntiBot (Versiune r36492) Simple framework for spambot checks and trigger payloads Tim Starling
ConfirmEdit (Versiune r36959) Implementare simplă captcha Brion Vibber
Disable Special Pages Rob Church
FCKeditor (Versiune fckeditor/mw-extension $Rev$ 2008) FCKeditor extension for editing wiki pages (WYSIWYG editor) şi Wikia
KeepYourHandsToYourself (Versiune 0.2) Prevents users from editing other users pages. Jim R. Wilson (wilson.jim.r<at>
LoginExtraMessage Extra login message. Pagini Favorite
MyPageNotice lets you define a fixed header for an array of namespaces. Daniel Kinzler & Pagini Favorite
NewPageVandal Prevent vandalism when creating a new article. Pagini Favorite
NoFollow Policy (Versiune 1.0) Nofollow links management, including interwiki Pagini Favorite
RegexVandal Preventing vandalism similar to $wgSpamRegex. Pagini Favorite
Semantic Result Formats (Versiune 1.4.5) Additional formats for Semantic MediaWiki inline queries David Loomer, Fabian Howahl, Frank Dengler, Joel Natividad, Nathan Yergler, Yaron Koren, Markus Krötzsch, Denny Vrandecic şi Steren Giannini
SimpleAntiSpam (Versiune 1.0) Adds a simple spam/bot check to forms Ryan Schmidt
SocialProfile (Versiune 1.3) A set of Social Tools for MediaWiki Wikia, Inc. (Aaron Wright, David Pean)
SyncSquid (Versiune 1.0) Sync Squid Pagini Favorite
Title Blacklist (Versiune 1.4.2) Allows administrators to forbid creation of pages and user accounts per a blacklist and whitelist Fran Rogers şi VasilievVV
VanImagePoints Reward file uploads. Pagini Favorite
VanPurge (Versiune 1.0) Pagini Favorite Non-Squid Custom Purge Jobs Pagini Favorite
WlFeed (Versiune 0.7.1) Enhanced feed generation classes. Juliano F. Ravasi
Funcţiile extensiilor
confirmEditSetup, efCategoryTree, efContributors, efLoadFlaggedRevs, fnCategorySuggest, headerTabsParserFunctions, htSetupExtension, setupMetaKeywordsTagParserHooks, sfgSetupExtension, smwfSetupExtension, srffRegisterFunctions, srffSetup, wfCarligArticolNew, wfGraphVizExtension, wfSetupParserFunctions, wfSetupTreeAndMenu, wfSetupVariables, wfSimpleFeed, widgetNamespacesInit, (Wikilog, ExtensionInit) şi (WlFeed, ExtensionInit)
Taguri extensie parser
<feed>, <graphviz>, <headertabs> şi <keywords>
Hook-uri funcţii parser
menu, switchtablink, tree, var, vardefine, vardefineecho şi varexists
visited from
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